Welcome to the Illinois Health Matters Blog

What health reform means for the people of Illinois

A blog by IllinoisHealthMatters.org

About us

The Illinois Health Matters blog is a place to continue the discussion and momentum of health reform, including the opportunities and challenges of the Affordable Care Act enrollment, access to health and healthcare as it affects Illinois. Having a diversity of contributors from our community makes us all stronger, our offerings richer, and our usefulness greater. Our blog posts have ranged from competition in the private insurance market to the effect of fireworks on veterans with PTSD.

Web   The Illinois Health Matters website provides Illinois-specific insight into the ins and outs of health reform. We connect you with the resources you need to navigate these waters, and to help those who depend on you, whether you are a consumer, small business, journalist, community organization, healthcare provider, or policymaker.

Partnership   Illinois Health Matters is powered by Health & Disability Advocates in partnership with a collaborative of Illinois health policy and community-based organizations:

Support   Funding is generously provided by lead donor, The Chicago Community Trust. Additional suppport for the website and planning collaborative has been generously provided by:

Community   We thank other community-based organizations for contributing to Illinois Health Matters’ content and resources:

For more information, or inquiries, contact us at info@illinoishealthmatters.org.