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What health reform means for the people of Illinois

A blog by IllinoisHealthMatters.org

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Essential Health Benefits: What’s it mean for people with HIV?

On December 16, 2011, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced that states would decide what essential health benefits will be provided under health care reform.  Although we had urged HHS to adopt a uniform, national benefits floor that states could build on, the federal proposal offers important flexibility for states. (Check out our essential health benefits archive.)

So, what does the essential health benefits announcement mean for people with HIV?  The short answer is that we’re working on it.  Here are some of the hoops we’ll have to jump through just to figure out what the benefits might look like in a state.

Which plans are we talking about?
  HHS gives states the choice of:

(1) the largest plan by enrollment in any of the three largest small group insurance products in the State’s small group market;
(2) any of the largest three State employee health benefit plans by enrollment;
(3) any of the largest three national FEHBP [Federal Employee Health Benefit Plan] plan options by enrollment; or
(4) the largest insured commercial non-Medicaid Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) operating in the State.

Yeah, we weren’t sure where to start either.  There’s no centralized federal repository of health plan data, since states regulate health insurance.  Every state publishes plan information online differently, or not at all.  We’ll probably have to submit a special data request to each of the 50 state insurance departments.

What benefits does each plan offer?
  Once advocates identify the largest plans, the next step is to determine exactly what benefits they offer.  You can bet that Blue Cross doesn’t publish on their website a description of each of their hundreds of plans offered in a state.  We’ll might have to ask companies directly for plan descriptions, or pour through regulatory filings at state insurance departments.

Once we have this information, we can start to figure out what the plans will look like for people with HIV.  Of course, we’ll partner with national and state advocates to gather and analyze information.  At the state level, it’s more essential than ever that advocates work together to figure out the benefit puzzle and don’t duplicate effort.

And here’s an idea:  Could advocates, employers and insurance companies collaborate to gather all this information?  Sure, old adversaries would have to sit at the same conference table to share opinions and information – but that might be just “what the doctor ordered” in the new world of health care.

Read the federal fact sheet
Read the HHS Essential Health Benefits Bulletin
Federal white paper on benefits in small group and state and federal plans
Federal fact sheet on individual market benefits

John Peller, VP of Policy
AIDS Foundation of Chicago

Originally posted here on HIVHealthReform.org 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

What lies ahead for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2012?

2011, the first full year for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), is coming to a close. As we’ve written about in the past blog posts, Facebook posts, tweets or on our home page, the year saw many ACA developments, from the announcement of the definition of “essential health benefits” that are guaranteed under the law, to the initial stages of Illinois’ health insurance exchange legislation, to the rescission of the CLASS Act. This year also saw the early effects of the law’s impact – from the young adults who can now stay on their parents’ health insurance plan, to the seniors whose prescription drug costs in the Medicare “doughnut hole” are shrinking, to the people with chronic conditions who are no longer uninsured due to the availability of the state’s federally funded pre-existing condition insurance plan. 

Of course, many provisions of the ACA will not take effect until 2014, but several provisions of the law are slated to start in 2012, including:
  • A series of demonstration projects designed to strengthen Medicare by eliminating fraud, waste, and abuse;
  • The Medicare Independence at Home demonstration, which will test out coordinated care medical teams providing care to certain high-need Medicare patients in their own homes;
  • A Medicaid demonstration, which will allow bundled payments for medical care that include hospitalizations, as well as extending the Medicaid Accountable Care Organizations savings to pediatric providers within those organizations; 
  • A new annual tax on pharmaceutical companies; and
  • On October 2012, Medicare payments for hospital readmissions will be reduced, to offset excessive readmissions to hospitals, such as early discharges from a hospital, which could result in a return visit.
What will undoubtedly become the biggest news of 2012 will be the Supreme Court case on the constitutionality of the ACA, beginning on March 26, 2011. Due to the number of different arguments against the ACA – ranging from the validity of the individual mandate to the constitutionality of the Medicaid expansion - the outcome of the case could take many different forms, from keeping the law in its entirely, striking down the whole law or portions of the law. The decision is expected in June 2012.

Also in 2012, it will be important to watch how the implementation of pieces of the ACA that are already in effect will continue, most notably, the establishment of a health benefits exchange in each state. Many states, have already begun the implementation, and are at various stages in the process, such as the 15 states (like Illinois) that have already enacted an exchange or intent of establishment legislature. Other states are working to pass such legislation, and others have not taken any steps towards establishing an exchange, either deferring to the federal government to run their exchanges, or riding on the assumption that the ACA will be struck down in the upcoming Supreme Court case. (See here for a recent news article about the status of the Illinois Exchange).

There are still many unknowns about the future of the ACA; however, what’s clear from our eight-part Neighborhood Stories series is that we have a lot of work to do to educate the communities in Illinois about the benefits of the law for small businesses, individuals/families and community organizations. Stay tuned to Illinois Health Matters for interactive features in early 2012, to help YOU understand how health care reform will impact you, your family and your community.

Happy, Healthy Holidays! 

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Ensuring Young Adults’ Coverage Now Saves Us All Money Down the Line

Because of the Affordable Care Act, millions of Americans now have access to affordable health care and millions more will soon have coverage, as well. One group of Americans that is especially benefiting from our new law is young adults.

According to the Obama administration, 2.5 million previously uninsured young adults ages 19 through 25 are now covered. The majority of those who have recently gained coverage took advantage of a provision in the Affordable Care Act that allows young adults to stay on their parents’ plan until age 26.

Historically, young adults have been the age group most likely to go without health insurance. Almost 28 percent of 18- to 25-year-olds were uninsured in 2010 compared to only 9.8 percent of children under 18 years of age and 20.5 percent of 26- to 64-year-olds. For young adults, the recession hit particularly hard.

In fact, many recent college graduates had a hard time finding a job with health insurance, or finding a job at all. As a result, even more young adults went without health coverage.

Thanks to the health reform law, young adults no longer have to take this gamble. And, millions of parents have peace of mind, knowing that their young adult children will get good, affordable health care when they need it. For millions of parents around the country, this provides a huge sigh of relief:

They don’t have to worry about going bankrupt if disaster strikes and their child winds up in the emergency room with piles and piles of costly medical bills.

Insuring young adults is not only good for parents and kids; it’s good for us all. Because young adults are typically healthier and are less likely to need expensive medical services, their presence in the insurance pool means that costs for everyone are lower.

Without health reform, millions of young adults would be uninsured once they left college or even high school and the costs of their health care would ultimately be paid for by the insured when they eventually do seek medical attention.

Ensuring young adults are covered now saves us all money down the line and gives parents and their kids the peace of mind that they’ll have coverage they can count on when they need it the most.

Originally posted here on the Health Insurance Resource Center
Ron Pollack, Families USA Ron Pollack is the Founding Executive Director of Families USA, the national organization working to achieve high-quality, affordable health coverage for everyone in the U.S. The Hill, a weekly newspaper covering Congress, named Mr. Pollack one of the nine top nonprofit lobbyists. Modern Healthcare named him one of the 100 Most Powerful People in Health Care.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Let’s Hear it for Prevention

Prevention is not only the best medicine, it’s the cornerstone of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). To ensure that prevention is integrated into our nation's health care systems, the ACA created the National Prevention, Health Promotion, and Public Health Council, composed of the heads of 17 Federal agencies and chaired by the U.S. Surgeon General.

Earlier this year, the Surgeon General announced the National Prevention Strategy,  which is a comprehensive plan to increase the number of Americans who are healthy at every stage of life by moving health care away from a system focused on sickness and disease, to one focused on wellness and prevention.

So how do we turn this plan into reality? The answer is that everyone has a role to play in a healthier community, state and nation.

The Surgeon General, Dr. Regina M. Benjamin, is visiting regions around the country to launch this vision. She believes everyone – businesses, educators, health care institutions, government, communities and every single American – has a role to play.

Thursday December 8, 2011, Dr. Benjamin stopped in Chicago, and urged Illinois community leaders and public officials to take a pledge, committing themselves to do what they can to make healthier choices easier choices for themselves and the people in the communities they serve.
“I will be a leader to make healthier choices easier choices where I live, learn, work, play and pray.”
This is an unprecedented call to action is for individuals, communities, schools, faith institutions and employers to all take part. The pledge, and more information about the National Prevention Strategy is hosted by Community Commons and managed by Health & Disability Advocates and the Trust for America’s Health.

So what are you waiting for? Ask not what your country can do for your waistline. Ask what you can do to make your country healthier.

Take the prevention pledge today.